City Brain

City is human’s greatest invention

Cities accommodate 54% world population
Cities take 1% land and consume 70% energy
Top 100 cities account for 20% of carbon emissions

Global Challenge

With 2 billion more people in the cities by 2050, how can we maintain similar living standards with less resources?

Question asked by city brain

Can we use 10% of the public resources today to support city development in the future?

City Brain @ Yunqi Town

City Brain Open Research Initiative @ 2050 Conference

Central System @ Hangzhou City Brain

City Intelligence @ Haina Academy of Engineering

Central System

Central system turns city’s public resources into data resources

City Intelligence

City Intelligence uses data to effectively allocate public resources

Cities in Practice








City Brain Open Research Initiative

We welcome researchers all over the world to join us for city brain open research. You can visit us at Yunqi Town in Hangzhou during your summer break or sabbatical leave. We could also explore flexible ways in conducting research. Let me know if you are interested!

Open Data Computing Workshop on Urban Climate

We organized a workshop at Yunqi Academy of Engineering on 9/16-9/17, 2023 with about 80 participants from 25 institutes.

Summer Camp
City Brain Open Research Summer Camp 2022

In summer 2022, we organized a summer camp with 27 students from 8 institutes conducting city brain open research at Yunqi Academy of Engineering.

City Brain Challenge @ KDD CUP 2021

We hosted a city brain challenge in conjunction with KDD CUP on our open research platform. The challenge had 1156 teams from 296 institutes from all over the world.